These are some pictures taken during this presentations.
- Home
- Schools websites
- _Hebel Gymnasium
- _IES Vandelvira
- _Jungsbro Skola
- _Quinto Orazio Flacco
- _Spoleczna Szkola
- Students' Blogs
- _German Students' Blog
- _Italian Students' Blog
- _Polish Students' Blog
- _Swedish Students' Blog
- _Spanish Students' Blog
- Visits and Activities
- _Maulbronn
- _Portici
- __11 School Work
- __11 Pietrarsa Museum
- __12 Villa Tufarelli
- __13 Museo Diocesano
- __14 Ercolano
- __14 teachers' meeting
- _Warsaw
- __15 student's' project
- __Visit preparation
- __20 First Day at School
- _Pforzheim
- _Albacete
- Dissemination
- _Italy
- __Erasmu+ Day
- __Open Day, Portici visit
- _Poland
- __Open Day, Portici mobility
- __Erasmus corner
- __Harvest Festival in Warsaw
- __Spoleczna Szkola's 30th birthday
- _Spain
- __Meeting in Albacete
- __Hour of code
- _Sweden
- __Portici video
- YouTube channel
- Gallery
- _Maulbronn
- _Portici
- _Warsaw